I just don’t trust men in suits.

There was a time when a suit was a sign of respectability, the mark of an upright, successful man, a man which whom you could do business.

These days I look at men in suits and think I trust them as far as I can spit.

What really grinds my gears is that the planet is relying on this parade of monkeys to save us from climate disaster, and they just do not care. They are wrapped up in their own egos and their own pathetic insecurities.

The western political system is broken and the communist and socialist experiments are abject failures because they are all rooted in accumulation of power. Capitalism is the pursuit of private property and the private individual profiting on the exploitation of resources that should be held in common are the greatest climate assassins.

We need an entirely new paradigm. I’m betting on anarcho-syndicalism. Power corrupts, so distribute power to the bottom. It will never work though because anarcho-syndicalism only works if the people at the bottom assume responsibility and do the work. These days you can’t even get more than 50% of voters in a republic to turn up one day in five years to register a preference. I despair for the planet.


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