Up in arms.

Do I look fat in this? I can promise you it rapidly becomes hot. The quilted gambeson under the armour is like wearing a duvet.

The first time you don a full suit of armour is a landmark day in the world of Armoured Martial Arts. To mark the occasion I was battered about firstly by Brendan, the club captain, with a small axe and then with by Brian with a longsword. Not much point wearing armour if you can’t take the hits :). It all went well. I could genuinely see stars a couple of times with the belts in the head, but that’s about as bad a hit as I’m ever likely to experience. The highlight was Daryl belting me with the pommel of the longsword.

The kilt, gauntlets and shoulders are all borrowed, but I should own the rest once the payments are made. Then I can order my own pieces to finish the kit. The next step is to fight in the armour. Beir Bua!

Knights of Munster are a Cork based club. In Ireland at the moment we also have 1316 in Athenry, Galway, and Fragarach in Dublin. All three are looking for members and if you would like to find out more send me a message in the comments section.

MACI (Medieval Armoured Combat Ireland) is the National body overseeing the sport in Ireland, making sure we all adhere to the international rules, and delivering insurance, training and marshalling. With clubs in Connacht, Munster and Leinster I have to ask what the Ulster lads are doing. There is definitely an opening for a Northern club.


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