The Political Serpent’s Egg

The road to political reform has never been an easy one. Real change seldom happens without widespread death. Today on the back of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the USA we see an outpouring of rage against a conservative right which moves from strength to strength. In the UK there is widespread outrage at the Tory Government. Both are countries that operate an effective 2 party state due to an outdated first past the post general election polling system. In a FPTP election a constituency is frequently represented in Government by a candidate who is NOT voted for by the majority of voters. Proportional representation would open the door to smaller parties, but the ruling parties are never going to give up the system that keeps them in power without a fight.

Wealth and power tend to concentrate in fewer and fewer hands over time. To redistribute wealth requires the shattering of existing power structures. This demands events such as the destruction of the Roman Republic, the French Revolution or the first and second world wars.

Even in a modern democracy with multi-seat proportional representation it is unusual to see a fundamental shift in ruling power structures. Ireland has existed only since 1921 as the Free State and subsequently became a republic in Easter 1949. For 100 years the country has been dominated by two parties; Fianna Fáil and the party now called Fine Gael. Today they lead a ruling coalition with the support of the Green Party. Prior to this century it was unthinkable that the two parties could serve in Government together as they were fundamentally divided by civil war rivalry. Over the years one or other party ruled with the support of the third largest party, Labour, or with an assembly of independents or smaller parties. But at a very fundamental level Ireland was governed by a single shared ethos, a Catholic social democratic government.

Any significant inroads made by parties to the right or left have been addressed by a slight repositioning of the two main parties. Two significant events have changed this dynamic and we are on the threshold of seeing a new party in Government; Sinn Féin. The events were firstly the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland which shifted Sinn Féin from a position of representing terrorists/rebels to becoming a viable political entity. Their reformation in Northern Ireland paved the road for their growth in the Republic of Ireland and their positioning as a genuine all Ireland party.

The second event was the night in January 2009 when Brian Cowen assumed the undisclosed debts of the Anglo Irish Bank as sovereign Irish Debt, plunging the nation into economic crisis and turning over control of the nation to a Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. The fallout from these events stripped Fianna Fáil of much of its traditional power base. Sinn Féin stepped into the void.

Sinn Féin now dominates the left in Irish Politics, and they find themselves fundamentally opposed by Fine Gael, who have maintained their strength by moving more and more to the right. From being a social democratic party under Garret Fitzgerald in the 1980’s they have now shifted to a position that aligns them with the UK Conservative Party and Northern Ireland Unionist parties. They favour big business at the expense of the poor, landlords over tenants, property developers over budding home owners. Their rhetoric speaks of “benefit cheats” waving the “stop being poor” flag with their highly misguided “Welfare cheats cheat us all” campaign.

They also use the age old strategy of the serpent’s egg in an attempt to scare swing voters from electing in a Sinn Féin majority.

The UK Conservatives famously used the “New Labour New Danger” campaign in 1997 to keep Tony Blair out of government against the run of the polls. They depicted the Labour Leader on posters with “demon eyes”.

Fine Gael have basically taken Brutus “Serpent’s Egg” soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and rendered it as the key messages they disseminate in social media about Sinn Féin. They tell us the party is ruled by a secret cabal who meet in dark rooms out of the public eye.

They tell us that Sinn Féin are only pretending to be nice to get into power. Once in power their true nature will be revealed.

Caesar, like Sinn Féin, climbed the ladder out of lowliness and they tell us that once in power Sinn Féin will turn their backs on poverty and will accept the bribes on offer. Well, as the serving government partner I’m sure Fine Gael know all about what bribes are on offer. In fact some of their members have been caught on camera doing just this very thing.

Fine Gael remind us that Sinn Féin is represented by men and women who took up guns in the 1970’s. What they fail to mention is that Fine Gael was founded by men and women who took up guns from 1916 to the 1920’s.

Fine Gael is attempting to kill Sinn Féin in its shell. I guess that is easier than internal reform.

Brutus: Julius Caesar Act II, Scene 1.

It must be by his death: and for my part,
I know no personal cause to spurn at him,
but for the general. He would be crown’d:
how that might change his nature, there’s the question.
It is the bright day that brings forth the adder;
and that craves wary walking. Crown him? that;
and then, I grant, we put a sting in him,
that at his will he may do danger with.
The abuse of greatness is, when it disjoins
remorse from power: and, to speak truth of Caesar,
I have not known when his affections sway’d
more than his reason. But ’tis a common proof,
that lowliness is young ambition’s ladder,
whereto the climber-upward turns his face;
but when he once attains the upmost round,
he then unto the ladder turns his back,
looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees
by which he did ascend. So Caesar may.
Then, lest he may, prevent. And, since the quarrel
will bear no colour for the thing he is,
fashion it thus; that what he is, augmented,
would run to these and these extremities:
and therefore think him as a serpent’s egg
which, hatch’d, would, as his kind, grow mischievous,
and kill him in the shell.


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Revoke Article 50



This petition will hit 5 million signatures today.  The March in London yesterday had 1 million participants.  How many British People have to ask before the Government give them an opportunity to have a say, now that the British people understand what it actually means to leave Europe?  What exactly is wrong with Theresa May and the Tory party?  Why is it a betrayal of the people to ask them “are you sure about this?”

Why are the Tory party driving forward to the worst possible outcome?  What is wrong with taking time over a decision that is going to have such a huge impact on Britain?  Who is profiting from this haste to leave?  Who is profiting from the chaos?

One thing I am certain of.  The ordinary British person on the street is not profiting from this, and will never profit from it in any way.

And I still blame David Cameron.  History will be very unkind to that man.

Brexit March



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For Brexit Posterity


Dominic Raab_________________ Esther McVey________________ Shailesh Vara

I wonder will anyone even remember their names in five years time.  Big news today as they resigned posts in the Tory Party in rejection of the Brexit deal agreed with the European Union by Theresa May and her dwindling cabinet.

The British Press continue to push hard to see the most hard landing of Brexit realised.  How do we know this?  The following Tweet puts it perfectly:

Mogg Tweet

As the Tory Party implodes you get the sense that everyone just wants the pain to end.  You can almost imagine Theresa May praying that the dissenters reach their target of 48 letters to the 1922 committee to trigger a no confidence motion.

As one columnist put it today it is far easier to criticise the Cabinet for failure to deliver the promised herd of Unicorns, than to engage in the tricky task of Unicorn breeding.

The cabinet may accept the deal only to be rejected by the party, the parliament or even the people, who might just vote the Labour Party back in.  Not that Jeremy Corbyn deserves a crack at the whip.

I have no further predictions.  The plot of the Brexit story reads a lot like G.K. Chesterton’s “The Napoleon of Notting Hill” where the people defy all political predictions on national direction by stagnating.

The Majestic General


The Falklands War was caused by US foreign policy.

On April 2nd the last Argentinian military junta, led by General Leopoldo Galtieri, invaded (or re-possessed) the Falkland islands (or Las Malvinas) depending on your perspective.

As a result of the invasion the Military Junta became “The Last” military junta.  Most of those surviving generals are still in jail for war crimes committed during “the Dirty war”.

Also as a result of the invasion a floundering Conservative party in the UK were able to turn their fortunes around, secure a strong majority in the next election and inflict the people of the United Kingdom with eight more years of rule by Margaret Thatcher and 15 years of Tory rule.

What is little known and rarely spoken of is why Galtieri felt he could do what he did.  The USA hated the Social-Democratic government of Juan Perón.  They were unable to shake the faith of the people in Juan, but when he died and his wife Isabel took over the CIA moved.  From 1974 CIA sponsored and trained “Death Squads” began to target Perónists, Union Leaders and Socialists.  In 1976 the CIA supported a military Coup which replaced democratic government with a brutal military Junta.

In 1981 Galtieri visited Washington where he was received as the darling of the Reagan administration, Richard Allen, the National Security Adviser dubbed him the “Majestic General”.  On the ground Galtieri signed off on a deal to support “Contras” or “Sandanista”  rebels in Nicaragua.  These were American funded and trained thugs who were paid to tear apart a socialist regime that had the audacity to teach peasants to read instead of picking fruit for US corporations.  They were not “rebels” in any way, shape or form.

As reward for his training and support of the Contras Galtieri was supported by the Reagan administration in staging a coup to take leadership of the regime from General Roberto Viola.  After four months in office Galtieri realised that the only thing falling faster than the Argentine economy was his popularity.  He needed a rallying cause to get the people behind him and his leadership.  So he decided to invade the Falkland Islands.

He did not take this action without the approval of the US government.  But the USA got this one wrong.  They mistakenly thought the British would let the islands go.  Once Margaret Thatcher made it clear that the Islands would be retaken the US government found itself in a pickle.  They could maintain their support for Galtieri and lose Britain or vice versa.

The CIA then carried out an assessment and believed that the British would lose the Falklands war.  They even had plans in place to airlift the surviving Falkland Islanders to Scotland.  So they stood aside and watched from the sidelines.  Britain won.

How many British people are aware that the responsibility for the death of British Soldiers lies at the feet of the Government of the USA?


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